WoGify Scripts for Wake of Gods 3.58 (Updated October 31, 2004) Timers, Functions, Macros and Dialogs used, Variables and Flags used permanently: (Temporary variables also shown in parenthesis as well as in a separate list below) *####-####* (e.g., *v5000-v5999*) means reserved for custom mapmakers who wish to use wogify scripts in addition to their own custom scripts. See further down for the complete list. Normal Variables used (v1-v10000): (v1-v10), v11-v12, (v13-v14), v15-v23, (v24-v34), v35-v36, v40-v45, (v50-v54), v70-v71, (v76), v88-v93, (v94-v95), v100, (v101-v111), v119-v142, (v143), v144-v147, v150, v157-v200, v205, v210-v250-v257, v266-v284, v295-v299, (v300-v308), v310-v312, v320-v359, (v360-v370), v372-v373, v381-v386, v388-v389, v400-v422, v424-v444, v450, (v451-v469), v487-v503, v508, v510-v559, (v564-v571), v572-v579, v587-v599, (v600-v739), v700-v761, v777, v800, v803-v844, v846-v883, v898-v899, (v900-v916), (v920-v934), v950-v966, v975-v976, (v991-v993), (v997-v1000), v1100-v1118, v1200-v1210, (v1211), v1212-v1214, v1218-v1220, v1222-v1257, v1260-v1265, v1270-v1275, v1300-v1327, v1332-v1336, v1340-v1359, v1400-v1412, v1600-v1983, v2000-v2074, v2100-v2135, v2200-v2207, v2300-v2408, v2550-v2561, v2600-v2622, v3300-v3314, v3320-v3407, v3500, v4101-v4136, v4500-v4603, v4740-v4756, *v5000-v5999*, v7000-v7015, v7018-v7089, v7118-v7119, v7130-v7132, v7177-v7178, v7180-v7183, v7185-v7199, v7206-v7217, v7220-v7236, v7300-v7310, v7401-v7456, v8033, v8038-v8043, v9001-v9007, v9300 String Variables used (z1-z1000): (z1-z10), z11-z21, (z22-z44), z45-z46, (z47-z61), z62-z77, (z78-z90), z91-z140, (z141-z142), z143-z178, z190-z199, z201-z239, z241, (z242-z248), z250-z269, (z270-z279), z280-z299, (z300-z303), (z310-z319), (z326-z331), z332-z354, (z360-z366), z368-z383, (z390-z393), z400, z402-z406, z410-z439, z444, z448-z461, z469, (z470-z472), (z480-z492), z493-z495, z500-z698, z700-z708, z710-z729, z732-z745, z747-z752, z760-z768, z770-z786, z790-z791, z793-z798, z804-z841, z849-z850, *z850-z859*, z860-z876, z890, z904-z907, z910-z937, z960-z989, z1000 Hero Variables (w1-w200): w1-w18, w20-w33 w38-w43, w45-w59, w61-w84, w90-w94, w110-w119, *w150-w175* Functions used (1-30000): FU1-FU47, FU49-FU63, FU100, FU141-FU148, FU160-FU176, FU180-FU184, FU200-FU301, FU451, FU463-FU481, FU491-FU493, FU599-FU613, FU620-FU627, FU631-FU638, FU640-FU641, FU649-FU651, FU653-FU668, FU670-FU686, FU690-FU727, FU730-FU816, FU819-FU863, FU865-FU870, FU900-FU927, FU950, FU1000-FU1003, FU1100-FU1110, FU1400-FU1409, FU1610-FU1617, FU1620, FU1625-FU1629, FU1872-FU1876, FU2300-FU2406, FU2826, FU3300-FU3321, FU3333-FU3334, FU3610-FU3619, FU3620-FU3630, FU3633-FU3638, FU3724-FU3733, FU4444, FU4850-FU4853, FU5000-FU5037, FU5200-FU5211, FU5219-FU5229, FU5244-FU5246, FU5248-FU5253, FU5260-FU5262, FU5300-FU5312, FU5400-FU5413, FU6100-FU6107, FU6130-FU6131, FU6200-FU6212, FU6300-FU6304, FU6664-FU6670, FU7000-FU7026, FU7030-FU7039, FU7050-FU7053, FU7060-FU7074, FU7100-FU7109, FU7120-FU7126, FU7795-FU7826, FU8000, FU8150-FU8166, FU8168, FU8170-FU8227, FU8230-FU8231, FU8700-FU8705, FU9600-FU9603, FU10799-FU10816, FU10850-FU10862, FU10900-FU10910, FU10920-FU10938, FU13500-FU13507, FU13520-FU13527, FU14000-FU14011, FU14800-FU14806, FU14900-FU14901, FU18001-FU18005, FU19000, FU20001-FU20008, FU20220-FU20230, FU20521-FU20523, FU20690-FU20701, FU21000-FU21014, FU22000-FU22001, FU22300-FU22343, *FU29000-FU29999* Timers used (1-100): TM1-TM3, TM10-TM11, TM13-TM14, TM18-TM19, *TM20-TM25*, TM26, TM28, TM30-TM32, TM34, TM38, TM41-TM42, TM48, TM50-TM51, TM58, TM61-TM64, TM74-TM80, TM82, TM84-TM85 TM90, TM98-TM99 Flags used (1-1000): System Flags (should be checked only): 996-1000 (990-995 reserved) (1-10), 21, 27, 32-37, 41-43, 49, 56-57, 74-79, 130-131, 140, 145-147, 160-162, 170-172, 209, 211, 230-239, 266-271, 298-299, 341-366, (400-408), 409-410, 412, 428-433, 490, *500-599*, 600-603, 710-714, 781-791, 800-801, 870-874, 902-907, [990-1000] Macros used: $AI$, $aknow$, $aname$, $apower$, $ban$, $cday$, $color$, $day$, $done$, $hcolour$, $he-she$, $hisher$, $hname$, $hnumber$, $hpower$, $hrname$, $hsex$, $lpos$, $man-woman$, $month$, $once$, $pithnum$, $pithy$, $pgold$, $sicon$, $skillnum$, $skname$, $slevel$, $spell$, $week$, $weekday$, $weeks$, $xpos$, $ypos$ $red$, $blue$, $tan$, $green$, $orange$, $purple$, $teal$, $pink$ $monday$, $tuesday$, $wednesday$, $thursday$, $friday$, $saturday$, $sunday$, Dialogs used (1-100): 1, 3-4, 7-11, 14-15, 20-22, 30-32, *50-59*, 88, 100 PO Numbers used (by object): Adventure Cave (Type 63, Subtype 57): H, N, O, S, T Altar of Summoning (Type 63, Subtype 20): N Artifacts (Type 5): N Artificer (Type 63, Subtype 52): N Creature Banks (Type 16, 24, 25, 84, 85): S Creature Dwelling (Type 17, Subtype 93 - Natural Calamity): V3 Death Chamber (Type 63, Subtype 15): N Emerald Tower (Type 63, Subtype 65): N Garrisons (Types 33 and 219, Subtype 0 and 1): N Living Skull (Type 63, Subtype 50): N, O, V0 Mine: N, S, V3 Mirror Portal (Type 63, Subtype 66): N Mystical Garden: N Obelisk: S, T Resource Pile: N Sign: S Stone Circle (Type 63, Subtype 21): N Universities: N War Machine Factory: H, O Warlord's Banner artifact (Type 5, Subtype 156): O Water Wheel: N Windmill: N Town: B0, B1, H, O, S, T, V3 Town (Conflux, day 1 only - temporary use): N Town (1 square *above* trigger square): N Trees: B0, B1 ERM WoG Option Numbers used (0-1000): Hard Coded Options: 0-10, 900-906 [907-1000 reserved] Reserved for Mapmakers: *800-899* ERM Scripts: 11-77, [78-99 reserved for new scripts], 100-250 Temporary variables and flags used (may also be used by other scripts): v1-v10, v13-v14, v24-v34, v50-v54, v76, v94-v95, v101-v111, v143, v300-v308, v360-v370, v451-v469, v564-v571, v600-v739, v900-v916, v920-v934, (v998-v1000), v12117, v4711-v4712, z1-z9, z22-z44, z47-z61, z78-z90, z141-z142, z242-z248, z270-z279, z300-z303, z310-z319, z326-z331, z360-z366, z390-z393, z470-z472, z480-z492 (x1-x16), i-n Flags: 1-10, 400-408, (1000) Reserved for Custom Map Makers: v5000-v5999 w150-w175 z850-z859 FU29000-FU29999 TM20-TM25 Flag 500-599 Dialogs 50-59 ERM Numbers 800-899 ============================== START OF SCRIPT LISTING ==================================== --------> WOGIFY (script00.erm) Author: Donald ERM WoG Option Numbers: 132-133, 137-143, 165, 195, 196, 224, 239 (Warlord's Banners), 241 (Dragonheart), 242 (Ghost replacement), 245 (Level 7+ troops only gain 50% experience), 248 (Display WoGification Messages) Object: none, although many are replaced with object for use by other scripts and chest and external dwelling values may be modified PO Numbers: Warlord's Banner artifact (Type 5, Subtype 156): O Variables: v508, v600-v705, v950-v966, v3339, v3500 Flags: 9,870 (used by Anders' Mithril script section), 995 Functions: FU670-FU686, FU5209, FU22000-FU22001 (Set AI/Human Experience multipliers), FU8-FU9 (Passable Terrain compatibility), FU3333-FU3334 (Bit Conversion), FU25-FU28 (banner artifacts placement), FU7777-FU7779 (Random Spell), FU29 (set 50% Exp. Multiplier for Level 7+ creatures) Macros: $bit$, $spell$ Macros for Universal Timer: $month$,$weeks$,$week$,$day$,$weekday$,$AI$,$color$,$once$, $red$,$blue$,$tan$,$green$,$orange$,$purple$,$teal$,$pink$, $monday$,$tuesday$,$wednesday$,$thursday$,$friday$,$saturday$,$sunday$ Dialogs: DG1, DG15 Timers: TM19, TM79 --------> MAP RULES (script01.erm) Author: Donald ERM WoG Option Numbers: 101, 111-130, 230 Object: none, although several are used as trigger squares for rogues PO Numbers: N for artifacts (OB-Type 5) Variables: z280-z299, z326-z328, z332-z354, v1-v4, v549-v559, v564-v579, v600-v602, v610-v639, v700-v739, v1219, v1262, z680, z681-z697 (reserved for future rules!) Flags: 1-3 Functions: FU690-FU727 Timers: TM84 Variables: v549-v559, v572-v579, z280-z299, and z332-z354 must not be modified by other programs! --------> ARTIFACT BOOST (script02.erm) Author: Donald ERM WoG Option Numbers: 102 Object: the following artifacts are enhanced: Bird of Percention (63), Pendant of Life (103), Pendant of Death (104), Targ of the Rampaging Ogre (16), Dead Man's Boots (56), Pendant of Total Recall (107), Emblem of Cognizance (65), Stoic Watchman (64), Pendant of Second Sight (101), Pendant of Holiness (102), Boots of Polarity (59), Garniture of Interference (57), Pendant of Dispassion (100), Pendant of Free Will (105), Diplomat's Ring (67), Surcoat of Counterpoise (58), Orb of Vulnerability (93), Sphere of Permanence (92), Statesman's Medal (66), Orb of Inhibition (126) Variables: v600-v628, v630-v631, v640-v648, z326-z331, z410-z428, i-l, w33 Flags: 1, 2, 5, 710-714 z410-z428 must not be modified by other programs! The other variables may be used elsewhere but will be trashed by this code. Functions: FU599-FU609, FU612-FU613 Timers: TM85 --------> SECONDARY SKILLS BOOST (script03.erm) Author: Donald ERM WoG Option Numbers: 103, 215-218 Variables: v35-v36, v487-v489, v587-v589, v900-v916, v920-v934, w43, z70-z73, z390-z391, z430-z431, z470-z472 Flags: 2, 270-271 v487-v489 and v587-v589 and z430-z431 must not be modified elsewhere! Flags 270-271 are shared with other scripts that use Fnord's network detection function. The other variables may be used elsewhere but will be trashed by this code. Use caution; this code may take place in the middle of another script, if a hero gains a level or a battle is provoked Functions: FU649-FU651, FU653-FU668, FU8166 Timers: TM74 --------> ARCANE TOWER (script04.erm) Author: Donald ERM WoG Option Numbers: 104 Object: Type 63, Subtype 9 (Thin Tower) Variables: v590, v600-v617, v618, z403 Flags: 2-5 z403 must not be changed in other programs! v590 must always be 0! Some of my other scripts also use it as 0 for hint indexing. The other variables may be used elsewhere but will be trashed by this code. Functions: FU620-FU627 --------> BANK (script05.erm) Author: Donald ERM WoG Option Numbers: 105 (Loan Bank), 181 (Transfer all resources), 225 (Mithril Trading) Object: Variables: v493-v500, v592-v599 v592-v599, z401 must be untouched by other ERM programs! v590 must be 0! Some of my other scripts also use it as 0 for hint indexing. The other variables may be used elsewhere but will be trashed by this code. Functions: FU631-FU638, FU14800-FU14801 (transfer all resources) Dialogue: DG4 Timers: TM75 --------> HOURGLASS OF ASMODEUS (script06.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 106 Object: enhances Hourglass of the Evil Hour artifact (85) Flags in this Script: 1, 266-271 Variables in this Script: v234, v247, v266-284, v1255-v1256, v4600 (used in conjunction with Metamorphs script), v9300, z266-z269, z444 Functions in this Script: FU6664-FU6670 Macro Names in this Script: $xpos$, $ypos$, $lpos$, $hpower$, $apower$, $hsex$, $hnumber$, $aknow$, $hcolour$, $aname$, $hrname$, $hisher$ --------> FISHING WELL (script07.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 107 Object: enhances Magic Well (Object 49) Flags in this Script: 1-6 Variables in this Script: v300-v305, v308, v998-v1000, z1-z2, z300-z303 Functions in this Script: FU1100-FU1110, FU14000 Dialogues: DG7-DG9 --------> JUNK MERCHANT (script08.erm) Author: Donald ERM WoG Option Numbers: 108 Object: Type 63, Subtype 8 (Windmill with Barrels) Variables: v590, v600-v612, z326-z330, z400 Flags: 2 v590 must always be 0! Some of my other scripts also use it as 0 for hint text indexing. z400 must not be changed by other programs! The other variables may be used elsewhere but will be trashed by this code. Functions: FU640-FU641 --------> MARKET OF TIME (script09.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 109 Object: Type 63, Subtype 51 (Market of Time) Flags: 1-4, 1000 Variables: v50-v54, v451-v469, w45, z1, z47-z61, z241-z248 Functions: FU451 Dialogs: DG14 Macros: @hsex@, @slevel@, @pgold@, @sicon@, @cday@, @skillnum@, @pithnum@, @skname@, @hname@, @he-she@, @man-woman@, @pithy@ --------> MAGIC MUSHROOMS (script10.erm) Author: Bruno ERM WoG Option Numbers: 110 Object: Type 63, Subtypes: 14 (Air Mushroom), 18 (Water Mushroom), 23 (Earth Mushroom), and 29 (Fire Mushroom) Variables: v1-v3 just for local use, w20-w27 to track hero visits to mushrooms and previous skill levels, z11-z17 and z159 for hint texts Functions: FU10-FU12 --------> PALACE OF DREAMS (script11.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 11 Object: Type 63, Subtype 33 (Big Turretted Palace) Flags: 1-3 Variables: v1-v2, v101-v111, z1, z3-z6, z450 Functions: FU777-FU779 --------> LIVING SKULL (script12.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 12 Object: Type 63, Subtype 50 (One-eyed Living Skull) PO Numbers: N, O, V0 Flags in this script: 1, 21, 27 Variables in this script: v1-v4, v24-v34, v94, v95, z1, z22-z44, z454 Function numbers in this script: FU20-FU24, FU14900-FU14901 Extended Dialogue Box numbers in this script: 20-21 Variables that MUST be preserved outside this script: z454 --------> TAVERN GAMBLING GAME (script13.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 13 Object: enhances Tavern (Object 95) Functions in this code: FU1-FU2 Flags in this code: 1, 400-408 Variables in this code: v400-v420, z201-z205, w41-w42 --------> ALTAR OF TRANSFORMATION (script14.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 14 Object: Type 63, Subtype 20 (Lightning Altar: Type 63, Subtype 20) PO Numbers: N (for object 63/20) Flags in this Script: 1, 209-211 Variables in this Script: v88-v95, v991-v993, x16, z451-z453 Functions in this Script: FU18001-FU18005 Timers in this Script: TM80 --------> MYSTERIOUS CREATURE DWELLING (script15.erm) Author: Dieter ERM WoG Option Numbers: 15 Object: Type 63, Subtype 3 (Broken Tower) Variables: v141-v143, z141-z143, w14 Flags: 140,141 Functions: FU141-FU145, FU148 Timers: TM14 Variables v141, z142, z143 and w14 must not be modified by other programs! --------> BATTLE ACADEMY (script16.erm) Author: Anders ERM WoG Option Numbers: 16 Object: Type 63, Subtype 32 (Light-coloured Fort with Small, Dark Turrets) Flags: 1-10 Variables: (v1-v2), v320-v342, v381-v383, v388 z382 (may not be used in other scripts), z1-z4, w38, [z116000-z116037] Functions: FU3610-FU3619, FU8165-FU8167 Timers: TM30 --------> POTION FOUNTAINS (script17.erm) Author: Bruno ERM WoG Option Numbers: 17 Object: Type 63, Subtypes 48 (Kneeling Man statue), Type 63, Subtype 2 (Lady with Jug statue), and enhances Fountain of Fortune (Object 30) Variables: v1-v12, v40-v41, v1260-v1261, w10-w12, z1-z3, z18-z21 Flags: 1, 902-907 Functions: FU800-FU802, FU810-FU816 --------> ALMS HOUSE (script18.erm) Author: Donald ERM WoG Option Numbers: 18 Object: Type 63, Subtype 24 (Small Snow-covered Stone building) Variables: v590, v600-v606, z120, z326, z402, w13 z402 must not be changed elsewhere! v590 must always be 0! Some of my other scripts also use it as 0 for hint indexing The other variables may be used elsewhere but will be trashed by this code. Functions: FU610-FU611 --------> MASTERS OF LIFE (script19.erm) Author: Sir Four ERM WoG Option Numbers: 19 Variables: none Functions: FU100 Timers: TM2 (Univerversal Timer) --------> WEEK OF MONSTERS (script20.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 20, 134, 135, 136, 172, 200 Flags in this Script: 1, 56, 170-172, 412 v Variables: v1-v7, v166-200, v205, v361-v367, v372-373, v1200-1210, z Variables: z190-z199, z495 Functions: FU180-FU184, FU5300-FU5310, FU8000 Timers in this script: TM61-TM63 --------> FREELANCERS GUILD (script21.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 21 Object: enhances Freelancer's Guild (Object 213) Variables: z1-z5, v210-247, v249-257, v3405, z210-z231 Flags: 49-51 Functions: FU1400-FU1409 Dialogues: DG30-DG32 Timers: TM64 --------> MONSTER MUTTERINGS (script22.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 22 Object: with Monster stacks (Type 54) Variables: v1212-v1214, z119-z141, z469, (z480-z492) Flags: 2,57 Functions: FU2826 --------> SORCERY SKILL ENHANCEMENT (script23.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 23 Object: none, but used with many objects (resource piles, treasure chests, windmills, water wheels, star axes, gardens of revelation, mystical gardens, learning stones, artifacts, warrior's tombs, wagons, skeletons, sea chests, shipwreck survivors, flotsam, ocean bottles, signs, scholars, universities, camp fires, pyramids, witches' huts, shrines, trees of knowledge) PO Numbers: N (for resource piles), N [check only] for Water Wheels & Windmills to see if Mithril script has upgraded them. Flags in this Script: 1-3, 410, 872 Variables in this Script: v1-v4, v310-v312, z1-z5 Functions in this Script: FU849, FU5000-FU5037 Timer: TM18 --------> ENHANCED DWELLING HINT TEXT (script24.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 24 Object: none, but used with external dwellings Flags in this Script: 1-3,58 Variables in this Script: v1,v94-v95,z1-z3 Functions in this Script: FU2400-FU2406 --------> MAP OPTIONS (script25.erm) Author: Timothy Scriptlets include: Remove Forts, Replace Cartographers, Spell Banning, Artifact Banning, Town Renaming, Buy All Creatures, Universal Creature Upgrades, Extended Creature Upgrades, Hero Renaming, Display Hidden Skills, Display Hero Spell Points, Rewritable Signs and Right-click Sign Display, Message Disabling, Choose Commander Class, Enable Extension Heroes, Disable Autosave option, Select Neutral Town Types, Build Twice per Day, Quick Combat option ERM WoG Option Numbers: 25, 100, 131, 144-148, 150-164, 166-169, 173-180, 182-187, 220-223, 226-228, 233, 234, 236-238, 240, 241, 243-244, 246-247 Object: Signs (enhanced) PO Numbers: Universal Upgrading: O, B0, B1, S (used for Towns), S (used for Signs) Variables: v975-v976, v1-v5, z1-z4 v3300-v3303, v3310-v3312 (universal creature upgrade), v3320-v3330 (message disabling), v3393-v3402 (quick combat), v3341 (check for banned spells) No longer used but reserved (for script25): v3304-v3308, v3334-v3336, v3406-v3407 Temp variables: v600-v646, z22-z31 Flags: 1-4 Functions: FU10799-FU10816 (FU10815 no longer used but reserved for script25) FU10920-FU10931 (buy all) FU10932 (check for banned spells) FU3300-FU3303 (universal creature upgrade) FU14802-FU14806 (display hero's skills and swap hidden/display skills) FU18 (choose Commander Class) FU3304 (enable extension heroes) FU50-FU53 (select neutral town types) FU54-FU56 (build twice a day in towns) FU57 (quick combat battle options) FU10933-FU10936 (warlord's banner: quick select) FU41-FU42 (hero list reordering) FU10937 (rename hero) FU10938 (message disabling) Macros: $ban$ Dialogue Box numbers: DG17, DG25 Timers: TM34 --------> ARTIFICER (script26.erm) Author: Dieter ERM WoG Option Numbers: 26 Object: Type 63, Subtype 52 (Red roofed building with fence) PO Numbers: N (for Artificer object) Variables: v157-v164, v4101-v4136, z160-z166, Functions: FU160-FU176 Flags: 160-162 Timers: TM26 --------> SPELL BOOK (script27.erm) Author: Anders ERM WoG Option Numbers: 27 Object: spell book artifact (0) Variables: (v1-v4), (v600-v611), (z1-z9), [z127000-z127003] Functions: FU3633-FU3638 --------> SCHOOL OF WIZARDRY (script28.erm) Author: Anders ERM WoG Option Numbers: 28 Object: Type 63, Subtype 62 (Blue Tower) Flags: (1-10) Variables: v384-v386, v389, z383, w38 (may not be used in other scripts), (v1-v5), (z1-z4), [z128000-z128076] Timers: TM30 Functions: FU3620-FU3630, FU8165-FU8167 --------> CHEST (script29.erm) Author: Donald ERM WoG Option Numbers: 29 Object: new Chest (Type 101, Subtype 1) Variables: w63, w80, z326, v550-v559, v600-v646 Flags: 2 v550-v559 are a bit table used by several scripts. It must not be changed but may be used. w63 is from the Adventure Cave script and may not otherwise be modified. w80 must not be modified by other scripts. The other variables may be used elsewhere, but get trashed by this code. Functions: FU840-FU848 --------> ADVENTURE CAVE (script30.erm) Author: Donald ERM WoG Option Numbers: 30 Object: Type 63, Subtype 57 (Cave with Spider Web and Skulls ) PO Numbers: H, N, O, S, T (for Adventure Cave: Type 63, Subtype 57) Variables: z326-z330, z360-z366, z368-z379, z404, v150, v510-v548, v550-v559, v600-v669, v1263-v1265, w61-w78, i v510-v548, w61-w74, and z404 must not be changed elsewhere! v550-v559 is a bit table also used by map rules. It must not be changed but may be used. The other variables may be used elsewhere but will be trashed by this code. Flags: 2, 600-603 Functions: FU730-FU776, FU780-FU799, FU820-FU835 Timers: TM90 --------> TREASURE CHEST 2 (script31.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 31 Object: new Chest (Type 101, Subtype 5) Flags: 1-2, 409, 1000 Variables: v1-v6, z1-z5, w52-w54, w64 (check only) Functions: FU5200-FU5208, FU5210-FU5211 Timers: TM28 --------> SUMMONING STONES (script32.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 32 Object: Type 63, Subtype 21 (Stone Circle) PO Numbers: N (for Stone Circle: Type 63, Subtype 21) Variables: v1-9, v234, 247, v360-370, v998-1000, v1211 z1-4, z480-494 All variables may be reused except z493 and z494 which store the hint text. Flags: 1,2,4, 57 ("Monster Mutterings" flag) Functions: FU5219-FU5229 Timers: TM98 --------> LIVING SCROLLS (script33.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 33 Object: enhances Spell Scrolls (Object 93) Variables: v1-v6, z1-z2, v1218, v1220, v1222-v1235, v1257, v9300 Functions: FU5244-FU5426, FU5248-FU5255, FU5260-FU5262 --------> CARDS OF PROPHECY (script34.erm) Author: Matthew ERM WoG Option Numbers: 34 Object: enhances Cards of Prophecy artifact (47) Flags: 270,271 z-variable usage: z698, [z134001-z134025] v-variable usage: v1300-v1327, v1332-v1336, (also: v3393-v3400 from Quick Combat script) Function usage: FU13500-FU13507 --------> MYSTICISM SKILL ENHANCEMENT (script35.erm) Author: Anders ERM WoG Option Numbers: 35 Variables: (v1-v10), (z1-z9), [z135000-z135177] Flags: (1-10), 56, 172, 173, 412 Functions: FU8150-FU8165, FU8230-FU8231 Timers: TM30 --------> MITHRIL ENHANCEMENTS (script36.erm) Author: Anders ERM WoG Option Numbers: 36, 149, 170, 171 Object: Mithril resource (Type 79, Subtype 7) and also used with towns, mines, windmills, shipyards, liths, and water wheels. PO Numbers: N (for Mines, Mystical Gardens, Water Wheels, University and Windmills) and also S and V3 for Mines (V3 used for compatibility with future Mithril Melting script). Variables: (v1-v6), v70-v71, (z1-z9), z429, z805-z815, z919, [z136000-z136084] Flags: (1, 9, 10), 172, 410, 870-874 Timers: TM99 Functions: FU709, FU8170-FU8189 Sets up PO:N numbers at Mine, Water Wheel and Windmill entrance squares. --------> REBALANCED FACTIONS (script37.erm) Author: Steven ERM WoG Option Numbers: 37, 198, 199 Flags: None Variables: v1, v1400-v1412, z860-z876 Functions: FU4850-FU4853 Timers: TM31-TM32 --------> KARMIC BATTLES (script38.erm) Author: Dieter ERM WoG Option Numbers: 38 Variables: v490-v492, w49 Flags: 490 Functions: FU491-FU494 Variables v490,v491 and Flag 490 must not be modified by other programs! --------> HERO SPECIALIZATION BOOST (script39.erm) Author: Alexis ERM WoG Option Numbers: 39 Variables: v425-v444, v9001, w28-w32, z405-z406 Functions: FU803-FU808, FU836-FU838, FU850-FU852 Flags: 428, 429, 430 Timers: TM77 --------> FIRST MONEY (script40.erm) Author: Alexis ERM WoG Option Numbers: 40 Variables: v428-v429 Timers: TM78 --------> BATTLE EXTENDER (script41.erm) Author: Alexis ERM WoG Option Numbers: 41 Variables: v425-v427 Functions: FU809,839 --------> GARRISONS (script42.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 42 Object: Garrisons (Types 33 and 219, Subtypes 0 and 1) PO Numbers: N (Garrisons: Types 33 and 219, Subtype 0 and 1) Variables: v1-v9, z1-z5, v1236-v1239, v1253-v1254 Functions: FU10850-FU10862 Timers: TM19 (shared with WoGify), TM48 Dialogues: DG88 --------> OBELISK RUNES (script43.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 43 Variables: none (local only) Functions: FU5311-FU5312 PO Number: S, T (for Obelisk object) --------> EMERALD TOWER (script44.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 44 Object: Type 63, Subtype 65 (Golden-green roofed Tower) PO Numbers: N (for Golden-green roofed Tower: Type 63, Subtype 65) Permanent Variables: z816-z841, v1240-v1252 (v1255 used by script06.erm), v1270-v1271, Temporary Variables: v1-v6, v360-v369, z1-z5, z480-z490 Functions: FU10900-FU10910 Timers: TM38 Dialogues: DG3 --------> CASTLE UPGRADING (script45.erm) Author: Alexis ERM WoG Option Numbers: 45 Object: none, but used inside towns (Object 98) Variables: v424-v429, v1600-v1983 Flags 432, 433 Functions: FU819, FU859-FU863, FU865-FU869 Timers: TM82 --------> BERSERKER FLIES (script46.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 46 Permanent Variables: v295-v299, v4740-v4748, v4750-v4756, z940-z941 Temporary Variables: v1-v6 Flags: 2, 298, 299 Functions: FU19000 --------> CREATURE RELATIONSHIPS (script47.erm) Author: Matthew ERM WoG Option Numbers: 47 Variables: v1340-v1359 Flags: 130-131 Timers: TM13 Functions: FU13520-FU13527 --------> ENHANCED SECONDARY SKILLS (script48.erm) Author: Arstahd ERM WoG Option Numbers: 48, 201-214 Variables: s, r, j V Variables: v7018-v7056, v7186-v7199 Z Variables: z1-z3, z700-z706, z722-z725 Y Variables: y1-y11 W Variables: w4-w9 Functions: FU7000-FU7026 Timers: TM50, TM51 Flags: 1, 2 --------> HENCHMEN (script49.erm) Author: Arstahd ERM WoG Option Numbers: 49 Variables: w117-w119, v7181, v7206-v7217, z1-z9, z910-z918 Function: FU7100-FU7109 Timer: TM19 (from WoGify script00) --------> ENHANCED MONSTERS (script50.erm) Author: Arstahd ERM WoG Option Numbers: 50 Variables: i-m, y1-y12, v7000-v7015, v7183, z2, z500-z679 Flags: 74, 75, 77, 78 Functions: FU7050-FU7053, FU7060-FU7069 Timers: TM50 --------> ENHANCED COMMANDERS (script51.erm) Author: Arstahd ERM WoG Option Numbers: 51 Variables: v7080-v7119, v7177, v7185, y1-y9 Functions: FU7070-FU7074 --------> MIRROR OF THE HOME-WAY (script52.erm) Author: Sir Four ERM WoG Option Numbers: 52 Object: Type 63, Subtype 66 (large new mirror portal) PO Numbers: N (for Mirror Portal: Type 63, Subtype: 66) Variables: v1-6, v234, v247, v360-v370, v729-v730, z1-z4, z480-z494, z729 All variables may be reused except z729 which stores the hint text. Flags: 1, 2 Functions: FU20521-FU20523 --------> DUNGEON OF THE DRAGONMASTER (script53.erm) Author: Hermann the Weird ERM WoG Option Numbers: 53 Objects: enhances Dragon Utopia Variables: v8033, v8035-v8043, z455-z461 Functions: FU20001-FU20008 ** Uses FU709 from script01 (map rules) to determine the strength of the DOTDM. ** Compatible with script57 (neutral units). --------> ENHANCED WAR MACHINES I (script54.erm) Author: Overlord ERM WoG Option Numbers: 54 Version 0.9 Variables: TM41, v591, v2000-v2074, FU900-FU927, w81-w83, (z1-z4) Version 2.3 Variables (?): w110-w116, v2550-v2561, (z1-z2), FU21000-FU21014 --------> ENHANCED WAR MACHINES II (script55.erm) Author: Arstahd ERM WoG Option Numbers: 55 Objects: none Variables: y1-y10, v7180, v7220-v7236, z790-z791 Flags: 79 Functions: FU7120-FU7126 --------> METAMORPHS (script56.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 56 Permanent Variables: v4500-v4603, z206-z209 Temporary Variables: v1-v10, v13-v14, v24 Functions: FU9600-FU9603 --------> NEUTRAL UNITS (script57.erm) Authors: Alexandru Balahura, Timothy Pulver and Thomas Franz (samot) ERM WoG Option Numbers: 57, 231, 232, 235 PO Numbers: S (for creature banks: type 16, 24, 25, 84, 85) Variables: v100, v296, z745 Functions: FU1000-FU1001-FU1003, FU5400-FU5413 --------> ESPIONAGE (script58.erm) Author: Petyo ERM WoG Option Numbers: 58 PO Numbers: N (1 square *above* Town trigger square) Variables: v2100-v2135, v2200-v2207 (z1-z7), (z200), z250-z265, z582-z584, z770-z786 w50-w51,w55-w59, f-q Flags: 32-36 Functions: FU463-FU481 Dialogues: DG11 --------> PIERCING SHOT (script59.erm) Author: Petyo ERM WoG Option Numbers: 59 Variables: (v51), v2600-v2622, z66-z69 Flags: 341-366 Functions: FU31-FU33 --------> FORGOTTEN SHRINE (script60.erm) Author: Petyo ERM WoG Option Numbers: 60 Objects: Type 63, subtype 22 (black spell shrine) Variables: v15-v23, v1100-v1118, z167-z168, w18 Temporary Variables: m-o Flags: 37 Functions: FU12-FU16 --------> PROTECTION FROM THE ELEMENTS (script61.erm) Author: Petyo ERM WoG Option Numbers: 61 Variables: v15-v18, v2400-v2408 Flags: 41-43 Functions: FU1872-FU1876 --------> SPLIT DECISION (script62.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 62 Variables: v3309, v3313-v3314, v3342-v3392, v3403-v3404, z1-z3 Flags: 1, 3-4 Functions: FU43-FU49, FU60-FU61 --------> PASSABLE TERRAIN (script63.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 63 Object: temporarily employs sign posts (Type 91) PO Numbers: B0, B1 (Trees) Permanent Variables: v1270, v1272-v1275, w79 Temporary Variables: v1-v4, z1 Functions: FU14001-FU14011 --------> TOBYN'S SCRIPTS (script64.erm) (2004 September 19) Author: Tobyn Scriptlets: (Universal Timer), Tobyn Library Functions, Advanced Witch Huts, Transfer Owner, Estates Enhanced, First Aid Enhanced, Warfare, Conflux/Rampart Monster Change ERM WoG Option Numbers: 64, 188-194 Flags: 230-239 claimed (and 236-239 used) Permanent Variables: w47, w48, v2300-v2399 claimed (and v2301-v2334, v2360-v2399 used) Temporary Variables: m-t, flag 1, v248 Timers: TM1, TM2 (both together with script00.erm form the Universal Timer) Functions: FU2300-FU2399 claimed (and FU2333-FU2345 used) Strings: z232-z239 claimed (and z237-239 used) Macros: $month$,$weeks$,$week$,$day$,$weekday$,$AI$,$color$,$once$, $red$,$blue$,$tan$,$green$,$orange$,$purple$,$teal$,$pink$, $monday$,$tuesday$,$wednesday$,$thursday$,$friday$,$saturday$,$sunday$ --------> MONOLITH COSTS (script65.erm) Author: Steven ERM WoG Option Numbers: 65 Objects: enhances Monoliths (objects 45 and 43) --------> COMMANDER WITCH HUTS (script66.erm) Author: Donald ERM WoG Option Numbers: 66 Objects: enhances Witch Huts (object 113) Variables: v600-v627, z326, w40 w40 may not be modified elsewhere! The other variables may be used elsewhere, but get trashed by this code. Functions: FU6300-FU6304 Dialogues: 10 --------> NEUTRAL TOWN (script67.erm) Author: Donald and Jonas ERM WoG Option Numbers: 67 PO Numbers: Type 17, Subtype 93 (Natural Calamity): V3 Variables: v501, z169-z176, z707-z708 (v501, z169-z176 and z707-z709 must not be modified elsewhere) Functions: FU6100-FU6107 Timers: TM2 (Universal Timer) --------> NEW BATTLEFIELDS (script68.erm) Author: Donald with additions by Robert and Jonas ERM WoG Option Numbers: 68 Temporary Variables: v1 Functions: FU62 --------> CUSTOM ALLIANCES (script69.erm) Author: Sir Four ERM WoG Option Numbers: 69 Variables: v1-v10, v13, v777, z1-v9, z1000 All variables may be reused except z1000 which stores set of teams. Flags: 1,2 Functions: FU20690-FU20701 Timers: TM11 --------> DEATH CHAMBER (script70.erm) Author: Rich Reed ERM WoG Option Numbers: 70 Object: Type 63, Subtype 15 (Skull Pile) PO Numbers: N (for object 63/15) Variables: z849-z850, z890, v803-v844, w39 Flags: 3, 800, 801 --------> ENHANCED ARTIFACTS (script71.erm) Author: Arstahd ERM WoG Option Numbers: 71, 219 Objects: various artifacts are enhanced Variables: i, y1-y10, v7178, v7182, v7057-v7079, v7130-v7132, z1-z4, z920-z937, z960-z989 Flags: 76 Functions: FU7030-FU7039 Timers: TM51 --------> RANDOM HERO (script72.erm) Author: Bonizag ERM WoG Option Numbers: 72 Object: enhances monster stacks (object 54) Variables: v846, v849, v851, v855-v856, v867 for long term, z1-z3, z78-z90 temporarily, w81-w83 (note: also used by Robert's War Machine script) Flags: 781, 783, 786 for long term Functions: FU7797-FU7798, FU7825-FU7826 --------> ENHANCED WAR MACHINES III (script73.erm) Author: Bonizag ERM WoG Option Numbers: 73 Object: enhances monster stacks (object 54) PO Numbers: H, O (War Machine Factory), H, T (Towns) Variables: v847, v850-v859, v862-v880, v883 for long term, v1-v3, v7800-v7956 temporarily, z1-z3, z78-z90 temporarily, w81-w83 (note: also used by Robert's War Machine script) Flags: 781, 783-790 for long term, 2,3,4 temporarily Functions: FU7795-FU7820 Timers: TM41 --------> SUMMON ELEMENTALS (script74.erm) Author: Bonizag ERM WoG Option Numbers: 74 Variables: w84, v848, v860-v861, v881-v882, v7600-v7756, v1 temporarily, z1-z5 temporarily Flags: 791 Functions: FU7821-FU7824 Timers: TM42 --------> SECONDARY SKILL TEXT (script75.erm) Author: Hermann the Weird ERM WoG Option Numbers: 75 Variables: Eagle Eye: z318, z270-z272; Scouting: z319, z273-z275; Resistance: z390, z276-z278; Learning: z391, z279, z310, z311; Tactics: z904-z907; Artillery: z738, z719-z721; Estates: z739, z741-z743; First Aid: z740, z716-z718; Luck: z747, z726-z728; Mysticism: z748, z710-z712; Navigation: z749-z752; Pathfinding: z713, z732-z734; Scholar: z714, z735-z737; Sorcery: z715, z796-z798; Armorer: z744, z793-z795 Brief Descriptions variables: Archery: z45, z46, z74; Logistics: z75-77; Diplomacy: z91-93; Leadership: z94-96; Wisdom: z97-99; Ballistics: z110-112; Necromancy: z113-115; Fire Magic: z116-118; Air Magic: z144-146; Water Magic: z147-149; Earth Magic: z150-152 Offense: z153-155; Intelligence: z156-158 Functions: FU17, FU19 --------> COMMANDER SANCTUARY (script76.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 76 Objects: enhances Sanctuaries (object 80) Variables: none (local variables only) Functions: none --------> WOG CHEAT MENU (script77.erm) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 77 Flags: (1..9) Variables: v9002-v9007, (z1..z9) Functions: FU22300-FU22343 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ script81.erm and script82.erm are reserved for Alexandru Balahura for 3.59 along with Function 870. --------> BUILDINGS (script81.erm) (scheduled for 3.59) Author: Alexandru Balahura ERM WoG Option Numbers: 81 Object: none Variables: v450, (v1-v4) Functions: FU64-FU69 Timers: TM3 --------> REBALANCED UNIT PRICES (original stats for all units, but the prices are after value) (scheduled for 3.59) Author: Alexandru Balahura ERM WoG Option Numbers: 82 Object: none Variables: ??? Functions: FU950 Timers: ??? --------> REBALANCED UNITS (new stats for all units after my ideas and my logic; prices are put after value) (scheduled for 3.59) Author: Alexandru Balahura ERM WoG Option Numbers: ???(its your choice,91 maybe) Object: none Variables: ??? Flags: ??? Functions: ??? Timers: ??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ script78.erm, script79.erm, script80.erm are reserved for Perfecto script83.erm though script85.erm (inclusive) are also reserved for Perfecto ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ script91.erm through script96.erm (inclusive) are reserved for Thomas. --------> LEGION STATUE (script91.erm) (scheduled for 3.59) Author: Thomas ERM WoG Option Numbers: 91 PO Numbers: V3 for each town entrace (bits 1-5) Functions: FU1610-FU1617 --------> BAD LUCK AND H4 MAGE GUILDS (script92.erm) (scheduled for 3.59) Author: Thomas ERM WoG Option Numbers: 92 (Bad Luck), 250 (H4 Mage Guilds) Variables: z177-z178, (v920-v923) - must not changed in a BG event, for all other no-battle-events they are free to use. Functions: FU1620 --------> ENHANCED GRAIL (script93.erm) (scheduled for 3.59) Author: Thomas ERM WoG Option Numbers: 93 PO Numbers: V3 for each entrance of a Conflux town (bit 6) Variables: w46 Functions: FU1625-FU1629 --------> RESOURCE GENERATORS (script95.erm) (scheduled for 3.59) Author: Thomas ERM WoG Option Numbers: 95, 149 Variables: v1-v10, v900-v903, v998-v1000, Flags 1/2 - all not exclusive Functions: FU6130 and FU6131 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ script97.erm and script98.erm are reserved for Timothy. --------> RANDOM EVENTS (script 97.erm) (scheduled for 3.59) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 97 Variables: v7300-v7304 (v7305-v7310 reserved) Functions: FU20220-FU20228 (FU20229-FU20230 reserved) --------> SPHINX MONSTER RIDDLE (script98.erm) (scheduled for 3.59) Author: Timothy ERM WoG Option Numbers: 98 Variables: (v1-v2), (z1), (z22-z44), v3331-v3332, v3337-v3338 Flags: 1-3 Functions: FU3305-FU3321 ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== Scripts that have been set aside for now (perhaps for 3.59) - some variables may already have been reclaimed for current 3.58 scripts: --------> SCRIPTLETS (not currently scheduled) (Includes: Anti-Coward, Stablemaster) Authors: Petyo (Anti-Coward), Diemios (Stablemaster) ERM WoG Option Numbers: Object: Stablemaster enhances object 94, Witch Hut enhances object 113 Variables: Anti-Coward: v421-v422 Stablemaster: FU960 --------> POUCH (not currently scheduled) Author: Robert ERM WoG Option Numbers: Object: Permanent Variables: w1-w12, z18, z20, v747-v761 Temporary Variables: v1-v10, v13-v14, v747-v749, z1-z9, z47-z61 Functions: FU200-FU209, FU300-FU301 Reserved: FU210-FU265, FU279-FU299 [Reserved FU210..FU299] Dialogues: DG100 --------> GUILD OF BOUNTY HUNTERS (not currently scheduled) Author: Anders ERM WoG Option Numbers: Variables: z62-z65, z760-z768, v42-v45, v343-v359, w15-w17 Functions: FU8190-FU8199 Timers: TM30 --------> WISHING VAULT (not currently scheduled) Author: Anders ERM WoG Option Numbers: 53 Object: Type 63, Subtype 17 (Genie Lamp building) Variables: (v1-v10), (v600-v684) (though fewer may actually be needed), v165, (z1-z5), z380-z381 Flags: (1-10) Functions: FU8200-FU8227 Timers: TM30 --------> SWITCHING DWELLING TYPES (not currently scheduled) Author: Petyo ERM WoG Option Numbers: 62 Object: ? Variables: ??? Flags: ? Functions: ? Timers: ? Dialogues: ?