ERM Script Editor


q       Current version

q       Hot Keys



Current version

v. (This version has "beta" status)





Hot Keys

Ctrl+S            Save

Ctrl+Z            Undo

Ctrl+Alt+Z        Redo

Ctrl+A            Select All

Ctrl+X            Cut

Ctrl+C            Copy as text

Ctrl+E            Copy as ERM

Ctrl+V            Paste

Ctrl+D            Delete

Ctrl+Q            Remark

Ctrl+T            Go to Triggers page

Ctrl+R            Go to Receivers page

Ctrl+I            Go to Instructions page

Ctrl+F            Go to Formats page

Ctrl+L            Go to Library page

F1                Get information about selected text

F3                Searh

F4                Replace

F5                To find the non-filled arguments (“#”, “@”, “TEXT”, “XXXX” text fragments)

F6                Check syntax (disabled)



